Which Full Mouth Reconstruction Procedures Can I Get Treated With?

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Full mouth reconstructions in Minneapolis, MN are a series of treatments that are designed to restore all of the patient’s teeth to proper strength and health so that they can have a comfortable and confident new smile. The skilled and trusted doctor will use the latest techniques and technologies to restore the patients smile with full mouth reconstruction procedures.

Curious to learn about which full mouth reconstruction procedures patients can specifically get treated with? Continue reading to learn about the exact full mouth reconstruction procedures patients can get treated with.

The Full Mouth Reconstruction Procedures You Can Get Treated With

At a quality doctor’s practice, the procedures patients can get treated with for full mouth reconstructions in Minneapolis, MN are tooth crowns, dental bridges, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, occlusal adjustments, orthodontics, Invisalign®, and dental implants. The following goes into more detail how each full mouth reconstruction procedure restores the patient’s smile:

Tooth Crowns:

Tooth crowns are a type of tooth cap that completely encase the patient’s natural tooth above their gum line. A tooth crown is typically used to restore teeth that have been damaged or decayed, or to cover a dental implant or a tooth that has been treated with a root canal. They are custom-made so that their color, shape, and size look natural in the patient’s smile.

Dental Bridges:

Dental bridges are used to fill the gap created by one or more missing teeth. They are composed of two or more tooth crowns that are fused together, spanning the gap of the empty tooth socket. A dental bridge is made from natural-looking porcelain material and are custom-made to blend in with the patients smile. They not only improve the appearance of the patient’s smile, they also restore their eating and speaking capabilities.

Porcelain Veneers:

For those who have chipped, gapped, crooked, or yellow teeth, porcelain veneers can enhance the look of the patient’s smile. Porcelain veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that cover the front surface of the patient’s teeth. They are custom made to give patients the exact new smile results they need and want.

Teeth Whitening:

When people have yellow or discolored teeth, then professional teeth whitening can be used to make those teeth multiple shades whiter in one or more sessions. In a professional tooth whitening procedure, professional-grade bleaching agents can be customized to look natural in the patients smile, giving them efficient, comfortable, dramatic, and long-lasting results.

Occlusal Adjustments:

Occlusal adjustments are used to alter the surface of the patient’s teeth so that they come together correctly. Proper occlusion spreads out the pressure and force of the patient’s biting and chewing powers across all of their teeth. Having an even bite will reduce teeth grinding and clenching, jaw pain, and TMJ problems. It also makes it easier for patients to eat and talk every day.


When people have severely overcrowded teeth, jaw problems, and/or have complex bite misalignment, then they should get treated with braces for their orthodontic procedure. Braces use brackets and wires to gently straighten teeth by constantly applying pressure and torque to them. Metal braces are a proven and effective tooth straightening orthodontic procedure.


An alternative to traditional braces, Invisalign clear aligners use a series of custom-made clear aligners to discreetly straighten teeth. Invisalign clear aligners are removable so patients can take them out when they want to eat or perform their oral hygiene routine.

Dental Implants:

Dental implants are a gold standard tooth replacement option. Depending on the number of missing teeth the patient has, they can get treated with single dental implants, implant supported denture, and full mouth dental implants. A dental implant can restore the look, function, and health of the patients smile for years to come, as long as it is properly maintained and taken care of.

Come To Our Office So We Can Restore Your Smile With Full Mouth Reconstructions In Minneapolis, MN

When you come to our caring and dedicated office, we can give you the new smile of your dreams with our state-of-the-art full mouth reconstruction procedures. Why wait to improve your smile with us? Get in contact with our doctors, Dr. Catalin Constantin, and our exceptional team at our dental office to schedule an appointment today!

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